The big competition started. We choose the most popular South Korean actor in Turkey. The Turkish K-Drama audience will choose the most popular South Korean actor by the competition organized by Beşiktaş Media Group. There are 12 actors in the competition. Everyone can only vote once for a single actor. The competition will continue from June 15 to July 16.
"The most popular South Korean actor in Turkey"
You can vote from June 15 to July 16.
Click to vote.
Jang Keun Suk
Hyun Bin
Ji Chang Wook
Gong Yoo
Lee Min Ho
Ji Sung
Kim Woo Bin
Le Jong Suk
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Joon Gi
Park Seo Joon
Yoo Seung Ho
Editör: Buğurcan Baştuğ
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