On Monday, November 5th we will listen to Kris Wu's popular songs and his new album Antares in Radyo Beşiktaş, with intense desire of Chinese singer Kris Wu's fans. You can listen to Kris Wu special broadcast from everywhere in the world.
You can listen here to Radio Beşiktaş! besiktasradyosu.com
Kris Wu Special
Turkey local time: 2.00 PM
On Monday, November 5th
You can listen here: besiktasradyosu.com
Enjoy music in Radio Beşiktaş
In cooperation with Radio Besiktas and Turkish official fan site “Turkish Boice”, The World-Famous South Korean Music Group CNBLUE’s songs are every weekday from 12:00 to 13.00 in Radio Besiktas. We listened to the songs of Lee Jong Hyun and Jung Yong Hwa, the members of the South Korean music group CNBLUE, in a special broadcast at Radio Besiktas.
In cooperation with Radio Besiktas and EXO Lay Turkey, we listened to Lay Zhang's new album “NAMANANA” in Radio Beşiktaş.
Finally, we listened to the songs of Japanese metal music band Unveil Raze at Radio Beşiktaş.
Listen online at besiktasradyosu.com
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