22 Aralık 2024, Pazar

Ninety One: Music is the reflection of our souls, the mirror that reflects our society

Ninety One: Music is the reflection of our souls, the mirror that reflects our society

Kazakhstan's worldwide group, Ninety One, is the leader of Q-Pop. For them, music is a mirror in which they express themselves and the Kazakh society. Five talented young people came together and gave us great music. The Group has a lot of fans around the world and especially in Turkey. Ninety One also gave the good news that they wanted to give a concert in Istanbul. Here are the descriptions of Ninety One:

You came together as five young people. Out of the standards, you have created a music with a unique personality. How did you find this harmony as a group?

We lived together for a year before the debut. We ate together and breathed the same air. One day someone knocked the door. When we opened it we saw that it was a harmony.

Usually you write all your songs yourself. What type of a method does Ninety One follow in the process? Do you do it all together, or do your separate productions and meet at some point?

The effects of what happens in our everyday life are different. When we talk to eachother, when we just walk the street or when we are at home there appears an idea. This idea then develops into something.

Throughout the history of music, many trends have emerged. During some periods these genres have been on the rise, some periods they have lost their influence or change has continued to exist by integrating with new styles. How do you evaluate the point of music today?

Now music is turning into something that is used only for entertainment. However, we think music is capable of covering broader horizons. For us, music is the reflection of our souls, the mirror that reflects our society. Music can be your friend, your teacher, your compas. If you have a better look at it you’ll find everything in music.

Do you have the most favorite of your concerts? Do you have an
unforgettable moment in concerts?

The best concert is still to happen. Every concert is our favourite.

Many music groups have recently performed duets with different singers. Are you planning or willing to cooperate?

It’s a secret.

You are known as the founder of Q-Pop. You have accomplished many innovations in Kazakhstan. You broke the rules. You have opened the way for young people to express themselves. At the same time, you carry out the task of introducing Kazakh culture to the world. At such a young age, you have achieved great success by overcoming all the difficulties with your music. When you think about all this, how do you evaluate yourself, how do you feel?

If you think of our goals as of a rooftop of a 10 floor building, then we are
standing at the door now (entering the building).

Q-pop is quite popular in Turkey and there are many Ninety One fans here. People love you and your songs. You have come to Antalya before. Would you consider giving a concert in Istanbul?

We really think of having a concert in Istanbul. We liked Turkey very much. We sometimes recall our vacation there, it was amazing. We’d be really glad to visit again.

Your music video of "Mooz" has over 14 million views on YouTube. How does it feel to achieve such success?

This song is of course very close to us and we are happy that many people liked it. However this is not the highest point, we are planning and dreaming of reaching even higher goals.

You have an ice cream shop called Mooz and a cafe chain called Mooz Coffee. How did this idea come about and how did it develop? Do you have any plans of boosting it further like opening shops in Turkey too and to become a global brand?

This question is for our producer.

You also have a fashion page for your group called QG (Qazaq Generation). Here fans can buy clothes. How do you determine the concept? How did this idea come about and develop?

This question is for our producer.

You have a different style. Your lyrics and music videos often have a story and event chain. Each song or clip gives you a clue to your next project. How does this process develop?

Before every comeback we prepare a certain concept. According to that concept we prepare a schedule of rleasing songs and MV’s.

In addition to being musician,you have a documentary-style film called “91" that tells about your experiences. You also starred in the series “Kagaz Keme". What was acting like for you?

We dont think of ourselves as of actors. Acting requires a different knowledge and skills. We do it in fits and starts but it is still very interesting.

Do you have certain rules, sine qua non as a group?

We dont have any rules, each of us knows his job. And we’re friends.

How do you enjoy spending your leisure time together? What are your hobbies?

Some of us play football, watch movies, design clothes, write solo songs. We
don’t really spearate work from our everyday life.

Where would you like to see yourself as a group in ten years?

As the galaxywide representatives of the planet Earth on the Milky Way.

Finally, what would you like to say to your fans in Turkey waiting to hear from you? What are your new projects and concert plans?

Turkish Eaglez salem! We are grateful to you for supporting us. Eaglez and Ninety One are one family. We’d like to say to people who are on the same wave with us: we love you and we hope to see you soon. Thank you, till the next time, sau!

Thank you so much for interview. We wish you continued success. Best regards.

Thank you!

Special News - Interview
Buğurcan Baştuğ - Besiktas Media Group - Reporter

Umay Tüzek - Communicating with Ninety One
@di_translates_07  - Communicating with Ninety One, Kazakh translation

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