21 Aralık 2024, Cumartesi

New single from A.Z. O.YOU DOMBRA VIBES

New single from A.Z. O.YOU DOMBRA VIBES

"O.YOU DOMBRA VIBES", the new single of A.Z., a member of Kazakhstan's worldwide music group Ninety One, has been released. You can listen to the song from all music platforms.

To listen from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToBSYJp4ORc

A.Z. Instagram : https://instagram.com/xciii.ix.xxviii...

Juz Entertainment Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juzentertainment/?igshid=12ismqt37kbfn

A.Z. (Azamat Zenkayev)

A.Z. was born on September 28, 1993. A.Z. is the leader and main rapper of the group. He has a different voice and can change the tone of his voice in an interesting way. He has a very serious and cold stance, but he is very interested in group members. Friendly person. The least speaking member of the group. He has more than 10 tattoos. Especially the tattoo written with the Göktürk Alphabet on his neck is very interesting.

The album design draws attention

The cover design of single is remarkable. The symbolic drawing on the album cover reminds the Sun Cult.

Drawing of the god with the sun on his head. Kazakhstan Tamgalu, rock picture. Bronze or Iron age. (A. N. Mariyashev, Petroglyphs of South Kazakhstan And Semırechye, Alma Ata 1994, Fig. 4).

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Editör: Buğurcan Baştuğ

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