Italian guitarist, singer, composer and guitar teacher Andrea Boma Boccarusso gave an interview to reporter Onur Baştuğ from Beşiktaş Media Group. He made explanations about his music career, work and hobbies. The interview of Andrea Boma Boccarusso will inspire young musicians.
What kinds of music do you listen the most and which genre are you playing the most?
There's no specific genre that I listen the most. I can listen to some downtempo electronic music/ost from movies to technical death metal pretty easily. While the stuff I play the most is usually intricated, like progressive/thrash metal.
I watch Death, Tool covers on your YouTube Channel. They sound and feel like a real band when I listen. How did you keep all riffs in your mind when you make a Medley?
To keep in mind the riffs is actually the easiest step. After 2/3/4 weeks of hard work on this long track you don't hear the transitions anymore, your mind considers this long medley as a whole thing. It's like learning one long song.
How long do you practice in a day or in a week?
Before this quarantine I was unable to actually practice guitar (that is a completely different thing than playing on videos or with the students) more than 1 hour per week. Now I have the time to practice 3/4 hours per day. When I was a teenager I used to play 9/10 hours per day.
Did you learn to play the guitar by yourself?
Yes, I'm self-taught.
Did you get any guitar lessons before?
After 5 years since I started to play guitar I went to an academy. But I was there for learning about music theory and all of the stuff that was lacking in my knowledge at the time. I learned how to phisically play guitar on my own.
Are you creating new music or just covers?
I have an industrial metal solo project called "Lock The Basement", and I'm releasing a single every month or two under this name. Other than that I have a solo album that was completed last year, but I'm working on special stuff around it and it requires time, energy and money.
Finally, what are you doing in your free time?
My life is really focused on music, so even in my free time I'm really productive in that sense. I don't have too much free time actually. I practice mixing on sessions from other bands/artists, I sing a lot and when I'm on youtube I search stuff about mixing, singing and related stuff. I love to search for old interviews from my favorite artists. Anyway what I do in my free time depends a lot on the seasons. In the summer I try to stay in the sun as much as possible, travelling a lot. In the other seasons I don't travel, so I do the stuff I told you before.
What are your hobbies except for making music and what are your favorite video games and movies?
I don't have an hobby except for drinking beer near the lake during sunny days, but my girlfriend gave me a ps4 some months ago. The last console I had was a ps1, and it stopped working in 2003. So I just rediscovered recently the joy of playing videogames. I love platforms and games that have an intriguing plot and mood. I'm playing Hollow Knight Void Heart edition and I'm loving it. I finished Inside by Deadgame and I loved it to death.
Thank you for having me Besiktas, wish you all the best
ONUR BAŞTUĞ (Reporter at Besiktas Media Group)
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Editör: Onur Baştuğ
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